Simone Strasser White Light

Friday, February 25th 2022   ·  Until Monday, November 30th 0000


until 20.04. | #3337ARTatBerlin | Galerie Gilla Lörcher shows from 25th February 2022 the exhibition White Light with works by the artist Simone Strasser. This is the artist’s second solo exhibition in Berlin. The exhibition White Light shows numerous small-format portraits as well as large-format landscape paintings. These two genres are the main focus of Simone Strasser’s work. Her paintings are always both representational and abstract. In her painting, the artist proceeds entirely from perception and brings her sensory impressions directly onto the canvas. Over the past 20 years, Simone Strasser has developed her very own style of landscape painting. She paints pleineair in the ‘old-fashioned’ way and goes directly out into the landscape with her canvas. And breaks down and transforms what she sees “into the finest colour gradations such as flat colour gradients (…) The principle is reminiscent of the method of the Impressionists or Pointillists, namely to break down the light and colour impressions in nature into a multitude of individual colour dots, areas or strokes, the overall composition of which then – as in Simone Strasser’s work – transfers the impression of nature into an almost metaphorically lyrical exaggeration”. (Quote from the exhibition review of the […]

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