Marina Apud Schneider + Hinrich Kröger Malerei und Objekte

Saturday, March 5th 2022   ·  Until Saturday, April 23rd 2022


until 23.04. | #3361ARTatBerlin | Galerie mutare presents from 5th March 2022 in a duo exhibition paintings and objects by the artists Marina Apud Schneider and Hinrich Kröger. Between dream and waking state, light and shadow, a whole world seems to exist, which we are allowed to approach with a peculiar feeling of familiarity and also strangeness. The possibility of dreaming attentively arises. The imitation of reality is one of the oldest forms of art. Apud Schneider, however, goes beyond the mere reproduction of reality and creates a super-naturalness not only through unreal scenes, but also through the special choice of colours and light situations, which manifests itself in the unique surface and depth of the oil painting. The gloominess of the skulls and animal bones hark back to the baroque idea of the memento mori, but are to be understood less as a moral appeal and more as a loving reconciliation and union with the darkness. Indeed, there is an exciting liveliness in the paintings that attentive viewers will discover. In what at first appears to be a great contrast, the Mutare Gallery is showing ceramics and porcelain. The Berlin artist Hinrich Kröger is responsible for this. As with […]

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