Bruce Nauman Practice

Friday, April 29th 2022   ·  Until Saturday, August 27th 2022


until 27.08. | #3414ARTatBerlin | Konrad Fischer Galerie presents from 29. April 2022 the exhibition Practice by the artist Bruce Nauman. The gallery presents a new video installation of Bruce Nauman entitled Practice. Since Six Sound Problems for Konrad Fischer, the artist’s first solo exhibition in Europe at Konrad Fischer in 1968, Konrad Fischer Galerie has held 18 solo exhibitions dedicated to Bruce Nauman and assisted in presenting his work at numerous exhibitions around the world. Nauman has repeatedly made his body and his hands in particular the object of his work. Practice shows the artist’s hands slowly moving across an old wooden table. In this process, the camera alternately shows the left and the right hand making the mark. Permutation and alteration vary the image, creating a complex visual structure. The apparently endlessly repeating gesture remains the same, forming an X. Nauman’s work was inspired by reading the catalogue The Reservation X: The Power of Place from the First People’s Hall at the Canadian Museum of Civilization, which his grandson gave him. An illustration in the book showed a contract signed between the Canadian government and Isapo-Muxika, a chief of the Sisika, otherwise known as the Blackfoot. While the […]

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