Jack Bidewell + Peter Spanjer Between Somewhere and Nowhere


until 12.03. | #3336ARTatBerlin | Kristin Hjellegjerde Berlin currently shows the exhibition Between Somewhere and Nowhere with works by the artists Jack Bidewell and Peter Spanjer. Kristin Hjellegjerde Gallery Berlin’s latest exhibition Between Somewhere and Nowhere brings together a new video work by Peter Spanjer and a series of drawings, paintings and sculptures by Jack Bidewell in a timely exploration of liminality. Although the artist’s practices are materially and aesthetically diverse, they are connected by an interest in processes of abstraction as a way of expressing a psychological experience of a world in flux and how that might engender a feeling of freedom for both the artist and the viewer. Peter Spanjer’s three-channel video work occupies the first gallery space, inviting audiences into an emotionally-charged immersive environment that explores identity and transformation in both a personal and collective sense. Although Spanjer typically embraces an intuitive approach to making art in which he builds up layers of sounds, imagery and text to create rich, multi-sensory experiences, he reflects on the making of this particular work as a process of reconnecting to his sense of self: ‘To me, this piece is about needing to find a place within yourself in order to […]

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